Estudo da obra de Górecki me foi sugerido a partir da leitura do artigo
"The Sounds of Music in the Twenty-first Century" ( de Alex Ross que resenha o livro de Tim Rutherford-Johnson, Music After the Fall: Modern Composition and Culture Since 1989.
No artigo, Alex fala do problema Kandinsky: "Modern classical music is bedevilled by what might be called the Kandinsky Problem. Modernist painters, writers, and filmmakers had a far easier time finding a wide audience than composers did. Kandinsky creates mob scenes in museums; the mere appearance of Schoenberg’s name on a concert program can depress attendance. (...) With that inevitable question, the Kandinsky Problem resurfaces. In the art world, instinctive antagonism to the new, the weird, and the absurd is less common."
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LInk para o aúdio com a partitura:
O primeiro movimento se vale de um Canon de 24 compassos: a cada ciclo, temos a entrada de um novo instrumento. Começa no contrabaixo.