quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2018

Nota sobre composição III

"Composition III looks like a single gigantic rock articulated into small blocks; the middle one is blue. Bright "rocky forms" at the bottom grow upward like figures, there is a white horse at the left. At the center, between taut forms reminiscent of trees, are human figures and heads of horses. A drawing (p. 114) confirms the hypothesis of two figures at the bottom and indicates more clearly the horse at the left, and contains further clues that the painting does not supply. It is a composition which confirms Kandinsky's observation about the tragic element in his art; we are also reminded of Franz Marc's Animal Destinies of 1913: a tremor runs through the work, suggestive of a mood of catastrophe." Grohmann 121.
FOi finalizada em 15 de novembro de 1010. FOI destruída coleção do Barão Von Gamp 

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