segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2019

Som, água e imagem

Alguns materiais nos apontam para uma biografia sobre o tema

1- Water Sound Images: The Creative Music of the Universe

, de Alexander Lauterwasser, apresenta imagens de experimentos a partir do estudos do cientista alemão Chladini e suas figuras geradas a partir de vibrações em placas de metal cobertas com areia.

2- Kahn, Douglas - Noise, water, meat _ a history of voice, sound, and aurality in the arts-The MIT Press (1999).
Nesse livro, Kahn, entre outras coisas, discute a divergência de Kandinsky ao projeto mimético de Wagner que correlacionava o motivo musical a uma imagem visual.  Segundo Kahn, "suffice. Although music was for Kandinsky a powerful model for nonrepresentation, this produced a second-order imperative to avoid the representation of music." p. 106. 
"His change of heart toward Wagner pivoted on an association with the already degraded form of program music—that is, exercises in extramusicality using musical instruments unsuited to the task. This inadequacy of musical technology and thought consequently restated the perception of an ingrained difference between sound and musical sound."106.
Ainda "Similar to the general tactic of avant-garde musical noise with its exchange along a correspondence between the areferential sounds outside music and the noisy elements already existing within musical sound, Kandinsky circumvented imitation by setting up conduits of cosmic vibrations behind apparent reality."p. 107. 

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